If you have found this website, you are probably considering personal training. People consider hiring a personal trainer for different reasons. You may be considering it because you are overweight and need help losing the excess pounds.
You may want a personal trainer to help you turn your soft body into a hard body, or at least a harder body. That’s called toning your body or adding definition. You may want some instruction on using the weights and machines properly so you don’t waste your time and effort in the gym and so you don’t injure yourself. Or you may need a personal trainer for accountability purposes, because you just won’t work out on your own.
Whatever your reason for seeking out a personal trainer, I’m glad you found my website. I can probably help you. I have been a personal trainer here in Columbia for over 20 years. I have personally trained over 400 clients, and you are welcome to call any of them for a reference. I am certified as a personal trainer by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), one of the top 2 certifying bodies in the country.